Success was first produced by Theatre X in 1991. John Kishline interviewed various prominent citizens of Milwaukee and asked for their public and private definitions of success. The resulting chamber play was 70 minutes of real time in the life of a driven, highly accomplished advertising executive. It was a kind of meditation on the costs and trade-offs of success.
Twenty years later, the play has been rewritten and somewhat re-conceived for this tour. The soul of the play is unaltered but the piece is more current, more linear and more international.
Indeed, though the story is firmly planted in the context of American politics, we believe it will resonate with a modern Indian audience both on a basic human level and as a kind of societal question. How is success to be defined – not only by an individual, but by a nation?
Finally, having used Skype to both cast and rehearse Delhi actress Kriti Pant before we arrived, we’ve not only enriched our experience here, we’ve come to a new appreciation of how connected we are, and much we share in these questions and their answers.
Performances in Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, and Hyderabad
"...the stage (was) beautifully utilised. ...the casting and performances were top-notch...a thought-provoking, avant-garde production."
"'Success' showcased consistent performances from the cast and redefined luck, hope, passion and ambition. It struck a chord with the part of us that constantly wants more and is one with the fast growing and power-hungry world of today. Especially since India has long since joined this rat race."
"All told, a brilliantly crafted and well-executed play that could prove the pièce de résistance of The Hindu MetroPlus Theatre Fest."
"A strong performance from the cast, with Edward Morgan at the helm, went hand-in-hand with the sharp contours of the minimalist props on stage."
"The actors seated behind the acting area waiting to meet Rick, the continuous phone calls, the transitions between meetings where Rick finds his personal life crumbling about him, all added to the edginess of the play. A feeling of claustrophobia was successfully conveyed ...very smoothly done."
– Guest Reviews, The Hindu Metro Plus
Lights: John Kishline
Costumes: Amy Horst
Set & Sound: Edward Morgan