Last Ride of the Bold Calhouns
“A small jewel of a show that shines like Black Hills hold … If the West was this much fun, it’s time to saddle and go back . . . Morgans humor is both nostalgic and knowing, like the wit of a good horse-trader.”
- Milwaukee Journal
“In writing and in performance, the show displays remarkable virtuosity delivered with infectious energy”
- The Virginia Pilot
“What purports to be a shameless parody of the Old West traveling show turns out to be a loving tribute using all the elements of the originals, establishing that our crude and primitive ancestors may have known more about popular entertainment than we give them credit (for).”
- Milwaukee Downtown Edition
Every Fool’s Feast
“(This play) displays a rare gift of imagination coupled with an even more rare and valuable talent for poetic dialogue . . . The plot follows and undistinguished and distinctly un-admirable yuppie chosen by the Lord of Misrule to be chief fool at a feast celebrating the end of winter and the approach of spring. The Grim Reaper, also know at the King of Winter (or Mr. Grim) summons young accountant Tom Davis to what is to be his final meal.”
- The Virginian Pilot
The Tavern (Adapted from George M. Cohan)
“…wonderfully adapted for a Louisiana audience . . . a marvelous, hilarious production that takes unexpected twists . . . an eclectic gumbo of odd characters with allusions to Louisiana’s history and culture . . . “
- The Advocate, Baton Rouge, LA
A Dame to Die For
“. . . changes the definition of cabaret, and it creates new expectations . . . Morgan tips his hat to Raymond Chandler and Dashiel Hammett, but keeps them at arm's length in his contrivance. Andrew May plays a writer seeking revenge on a detective he blames for his family's bad luck. He puts the detective (Torrey Hanson) in a story and piles bad luck on him. He gets so involved in the yarn that he enters the plot, and from there the situation gets out of hand.”
- Milwaukee Journal
“It’s a funny show and a wild one. Morgan’s script – an affectionate take on Raymond Chandler – is as familiar and well-worn as a pair of scuffed wingtips, laced with strands of Edgar Allen Poe. The nightclub songs add to the results.”
- Milwaukee Sentinel
An Irish Reunion
“Oh, what a lovely time there is to be had at Milwaukee Repertory Theater’s Stackner Cabaret … filled with music that smells of turf smoke, memories with a chuckle and sadness that comes from the difference between the Irish-Americans’ dream of Ireland and the harsh reality of towns without music and elderly singers knowing they are to be the last singers of the old songs.”
- Milwaukee Sentinel
Appalachian Voices
“Voices rings like a mountain echo . . . (a) sense of community transcending time . . . Their harmonies hung in the air long after the last note was sounded.”
- Milwaukee Journal